Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Tech-free" Day!

Well, if you've never had a "tech-free" day (no TV & no computer) you should give it a try! I, for one, cannot remember the last time that has happened at our house, but WOW, was it ever freeing!

Saturday was a BEAUTIFUL day here in Essex, and we actually enjoyed the day, on top of getting loads of housework done! It was fabulous! We played with Braeya in her new little pool (pics to be posted soon!) I read my Bible out on the deck, looking out over the peaceful field. It was magnificent! Shaun did various odd jobs around the yard. All with NO TV and NO COMPUTER!

I could not believe how much we accomplished at the end of the day. My mind was clear, at peace, and thrilled with such a productive day. I was amazed at how much time would typically be spent on the computer / tv. I guess I didn't realize how often a "quick email check" turned into a "I"ll just quickly check facebook, do some google searches, check the weather, etc!"

Funny thing is, it was difficult yesterday morning (not checking email), but by lunch time, I actually forgot about it! And then when I woke up today, I didn't even bother checking it. It's like it lost its importance.

So, I've come to the conclusion that life is too valuable to waste away at the computer, unnecessarily! Of course I will still check email, keep up with facebook now and again, and enjoy the blogs I read, but I'll be limiting my time doing these things! The timer will be set, and that will be that (or at least that's the goal!)

I'm excited to see all of the things I am able to do in the run of a day with more focused time!

Thank goodness that I stopped to smell the roses on Saturday! Feels like a new beginning :)

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