Shaun, as we are leaving the airport, heading to our hotel in Vancouver. What a guy! In front of our hotel. Posing on the steps. Everything is so exciting when it is your first time to a city!
Beautiful downtown Vancouver! Shaun eating some delicious ice cream.
It was so beautiful sitting here by the Pacific Ocean. We sat for quite some time, just relaxing. This was our first time to Vancouver. We spent probably 3 hours in Stanley Park (the second largest park in North America, the largest park being Central Park in New York).
Monday, June 29, 2009
Beautiful pool in Stanley Park. A HUGE slug! Almost the size of Shaun's hand! Shaun trying to draw the geese towards him! Diana and Paul at our first dinner together in Vancouver, the night before we left on the cruise. We went to "The White Spot". We had never been to this restaurant before, but it was FANTASTIC! Definitely recommend it!
Di and Paul, getting out of their taxi at the port. Just about ready to jump on board! Outside the port station. We have missed Di & Paul so much! We were so glad we got to spend the week with them :)
Our first lunch on board!
Diana chilling out in our stateroom. Leaving Vancouver! Oh Paul..never a dull moment! Hey Paul.."And Now....LOOK WHO'S HERE!" hahahaha We were playing scrabble!
Formal dinner night. Hmm..must have been pondering something! A bit chilly in Alaska! In Sitka
We went to a place that helps wounded eagles. Here is one of them. Slauen, with his huge wing span! Kissing the totem pole! Volcano in Sitka, Alaska On our way to dinner.
The black, is seals on the ice! Loose ice in the water, as the ship approached. Parts of the glacier fell off into the water while we watched. It sounded like thunder, it was so loud. The glacier is 7 miles long, and at least double the height of the cruise ship! More seals on the ice!
Hubbard Glacier! Beautiful!!!! The glacier is the blueish white ice at the bottom. It is actually much taller than our ship! They said that the day we arrived to the glacier, was the most ideal, perfect day in the whole year. Just amazing conditions.
Leaving Hubbard Glacier, the sun started to come out beautifully, and people were actually in their bathing suits!! I'm sorry, but you couldn't pay me to do that. It wasn't THAT hot! We were still in sweaters and jackets!
HUGE mountain! Celebrating Diana and Paul's anniversary!
The four of us at dinner. It was so great catching up with Di and Paul. On our excursion, whale watching in Juneau! We saw probably 15 - 20 whales come up out of the water, flip their tails, and disappear. A glacier way up above. Whale tail! Govenor Sarah Palin's mansion, in Juneau, Alaska. Just to the center left, white, with a green roof.