Sunday, October 4, 2009

Check out this site:

A few friends have been recommending that I check out this site, "A Holy Experience", so I finally did today. What a great site! Lots of thought provoking entries, and encouragement.

The entry I was reading tonight was entitled: "The Prayer of Quiet".

Here is a quote and some thoughts from this entry:

"The silence of all outward and earthly affection and of human thoughts within us is essential if we are to hear His voice."

~Francois Fenelon

Lord, I do not rush on.
I do not hurry on into the noise.
I silence my whirring mind, my racing thoughts.
I close my eyes. I sit. I pause. I rest.
I stay here a moment in the quiet.
I wait in silence for You only.

This entry reminded me of the importance of sitting quietly and waiting on God - not always doing all the talking, but rather reflecting, and listening to what He might say. I know for sure that the more time I have, quietly with Jesus, the more calm, centered, and productive my day is! It's amazing what He has to say, when I am listening!

Have a wonderful week, and check out this site!


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